Sunday, November 4, 2012

TOW #6: VP Debate

The 2012 Vice Presidential debate between Joe Biden and Paul Ryan focused primarily on domestic and foreign policy issues, with Joe Biden emphasizing the importance of the middle class. I read the transcript on, a fairly credible source, though sometimes known for being right-slanted. With the 2012 Presidential elections coming up very quickly, this debate was necessary in either reinforcing President Obama's effectiveness in the government or proving that Governor Romney is the better candidate to lead the United States for the next four years. This debate's main purpose was to convince the citizens of the United States, especially people who are legal to vote, to either vote for President Obama or Governor Romney. It was obvious that both men utilized the rhetorical device of ethos to present themselves as a credible and trustworthy source. Biden's discussion of Medicare and the current tax policy helped him become a knowledgeable person with credible information. Likewise, Paul Ryan talked about decreasing loopholes through tax reforms was an example of ethos, though, his failure to go into specifics cost him some "points".
I believe this Vice Presidential debate accomplished its purpose, which was to inform the United States with plans both parties have in store for the next four years, in an interesting and entertaining manner.

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