Sunday, December 2, 2012

TOW #12: The Power of Introverts

Susan Cain, a graduate of Princeton University, former Wall Street lawyer, and author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking, talks about who introverts are and their importance in the extrovert-oriented society in a TED Talk. Susan Cain felt the need to clarify that being introverted is not necessarily a bad thing; it has been proven through research that introverts actually have better grades in school and higher IQ's. Society projects the ideal that extroversion is superior to introversion and Susan Cain wants to make it known that, that is not the case. Her purpose is to not only educate people on what being an introvert is and means, but also to encourage and embolden her audience, specifically the audience members who might identify themselves as being introverted. Susan Cain includes personal anecdotes to help her audience, the general public, have a better understanding of where she comes from and make her story and her message more relatable. She also uses euphemisms to illustrate extroverts, often characterizing them as excited people who lose track of the importance in certain things. Ultimately, Susan Cain did a wonderful job defining what being an introvert is and letting the world know that introversion is not a bad thing; introversion is actually essential to this society as these kinds of people are the very ones capable of keeping a business running, being a boss - assuming the role of leadership.

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